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Who am I?

In the next year, this blog will be painted with a mix of technical software development content (not much) and (more) personal notes. I'm spending my 20s thinking and doing what passionates me. I'm not great at nothing, but will get there, I am hustling hard.

Life story

I was born Italy, from Japanese and Italian parents. Currently live in the Netherlands.

Growing up, I had always been interested in science and computers. In high school, I went to a socio-economical school and studied economics and social sciences for 5 years. Then, in college, I went to H-Farm College to study digital management (which actually means nothing).

Came out of college clueless of what I wanted to do, which lead me to do Product Management at log-tech startup. A broad role that had to deal with all the departments on the company. I was eventually laid off, which I took as an opportunity to pick up what I really liked doing. Building things.

Spent 3 months upskilling with LeWagon's Coding Bootcamp which lead me to my current role as Fullstack Product Engineer for an event-tech startup.

It was a very interesting 2 years. I had to learn to live independently in a new country, deal with losing a job and planning the trajectory for the upcoming years.

I still struggle though to be hyper-productive. I love spending time reading on Twitter, Hacker News and other blogs about other people's experiences.

I've also found a newfound role as a writer. Someone said that if you died and never wrote anything down, it was a wasted life. It's hyperbolic, but I understood what that meant.

So I write with no predefined purpose, but I just want to put some stuff on a page and see if it becomes something else.